Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Today we began the Electrical Circuits workbook in it I will be going over Individual, series, Parallel and series parallel circuit layouts.
Today we went over the first circuit layouts Individual, and series we learnt how to correctly get supply voltage and voltage drop With a multimeter.

when getting supply voltage you only move the positive lead to each component and keep the negative on the earth or ground of the circuit. when getting voltage drop both leads need to be moved to either side of the component being checked.  
Voltage drop being measured by multimeter in this image the
voltage drop is  being measured on  ground wire
 We found it difficult to have 3 bulbs running when we put the circuit in series but managed to get 2 bulbs running correctly and found the voltage was evenly split between the 2 bulbs tomorrow we are going to try getting 3 running correctly.
Circuit set up in series correctly using 2 bulbs
Possibly Incorrect because 3rd bulb is much dimmer

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